Monday, March 26, 2012

Egg Drop challenege

(Materials we used: Jar of peanut butter, marshmallows, Ducttape, starws, string, plastic bags)

Material Based points:
1 POINT- we could fit materials in a printer box

Material weight:
we broke the scale

Egg Drop accuracy:
2 POINTS-hit 3rd ring twice
2 POINTS-hit bullseye twice
2 POINTS- hit 2nd ring
2 POINTS- hit 4th ring twice
Drop time:
takes less than 1/2 a second to hit the target

Egg  Resilience:
3 POINTS- egg didnt brake at all in any way

add up our point we got 24

Cummunicate Results:
1 point - use same materials but lighter

1 point - I help set up bullseye
1 point - Hanna  fixed the target ring
1 point - ours did the most drops
1 point -edible


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Khan Video

This Khan website is amazing. It is such a good idea. I lilked how much I learned form this video. There was alot the he clarified in it. I woud change he fact that he went a little overboard with some subjects. After he got the point clear he kept talkikng about it saying the same things. He only slightly changed the words so it got sorta boring.I wasn't here for the flip the classroom. So im not really sure what that is.the video i watched

Thursday, March 1, 2012

1) Provide a breif description of the activity. Who did you work with? What did you build? What challenges did you overcome to succesfully craft your aircraft?
- for this project we were giving a little package with materials to build a plane with. It came with detailed instruction. We then had to build our plane. My partners were hanna and Michaela. Challenges we have to overcome were  breaking our plane and having to rebuild it twice.

2) Post a photo of your glider under construction.

3) Post a photo of your finished design.

4) Describe how you tested your aircraft and tuned its flight characteristics.

- To test our aircraft when went into the quad and you fly it. We kept trying diffrent ways to fly it. After we would break it we knew how not to fly.
5) Describe how well your aircraft flew in our competition. Did you win any events (furthest distance, longest time aloft)? Were you competative in our best decorated flier competition?

- Our airplane didn't fly very well during the competion. After the second time we broke it we couldnt really get it back to normal.We did not win any of the categories.

6) Pick three steps from the PLTW 12 step design process and describe how your team worked through these during the course of this experience.

- step 1: we had the problem of breaking our plane
-step 2: we fixed the plane
- step 12: our results came from the competition